Did you know that there are currently 171 Older Children (age 6-9) with LESS then $100 in their adoption grants ?
Did you know that there are currently 139 older children with LESS than$50 in their adoption grants ?
Did you know that there are currently 62 older children with less than $10 in their grants ??
What can WE do about that ?
What can we do to help these grants grow, and help out the future families of these children ?
If you have any amazing ideas, please let me know !!
While it may seem like these children have plenty of time to find a family, the reality is that every day they spend in their orphanages and institutions is a day too long. Every day without a family is a day that can never be found again. Every hour they spend sitting in a room doing nothing is an hour that could have been spent learning, loving, and being part of a family.
All too often I see people begging for families for children who are about to "age out" - children who are fast approaching their 14th or 16th birthday, meaning they will forever lose all chance of a family.
All too often I see the faces of children for whom it IS too late - those who have aged out already, who will spend the rest of their lives in an institution, hidden away from the rest of the world.
If you're prepared for your heart to be broken, go HERE, and you will see ALL of the photo listings of the children we have let down - the ones that got away, who aged out before they could be saved.
If you want your hearts to be shattered and scattered in the wind, go HERE, to see the children who died before they even had a chance to age out.
The children listed below are aged 6-9 years old.
They are all in desperate need of a family - and they also need help growing their grants, so their family, once they find them, will have every chance to bring them home as soon as possible !!
I realize that looking at a list of names isn't the most exciting way to spend your time - but let's be honest here - advocating for orphans isn't the most glamorous of occupations. We don't do it because it is fun (although seeing a child come home with a family IS about as good as it gets !). We do it because - if WE don't - who will ?? If you've taken the time to read this - then I'm pretty sure you're a hard core advocate, and will do whatever you can to get these kids seen.
So - all I ask of you (and if you have read this blog before, this will be familiar) - is for you to SHARE.
You can share this blog post - anywhere and everywhere !
You can pick a child or two and share just them - click on their name, and you will be taken to their profile at Reece's Rainbow.
If you have a spare few dollars - please donate to a child - or two - or more - and help them grow their grant, and head closer to - or over - that $100 wall !!
Please - do SOMETHING - I realise that donating isn't always possible - but we can all share, in one way or another.
Let's get these kids SEEN so their family can find them !!
Kole - $92.70
Sarea - $78.36
Faye - $76.55
Jessica - $63
Shadrach - $60.75
Aven - $58
Keegan - $57.50
Benny - $56.25
Jake - $50
Jett - $48
Wrennie - $45
Rona - $45
Wendell - $40
Piper - $36
Jace - $32.50
Bryan -$29.50
Chayton - $27
Henrietta - $27
Hyde - $25
Pablo - $22.50
Joyanna - $22.50
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Andy - $19.80
Abigail - $19.80
Douglas - $18
Seth - $15.85
Annabelle - $14.40
Zachary - $13.50
Olin- $10
Kopelan - $10
Tiger - $10
Lola - $10
Ryker - $9
Sadie and Josie - $9
Alexa - $9
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Vikki -$4.50 $9
Piper -$4.50 $9
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Thomas Michael - $6.30
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Vikki -
Piper -
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Thomas Michael - $6.30
Thaddeus - $5
Tony - $5
Zaki - $5
Xander - $5
Jordyn - $5
Sadie - $5
Emma - $5
Scout - $5
Esme - $5
Samuel and Cerah - $5
Laurel - $5
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Henley - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Henley - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Maximilian - $4.64
West - $4.50
Ziven - $4.50
Donny - $4.50
Davie - $4.50
Amber - $4.50
Nina - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50

Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Connor - $4.50
Sebastian - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50
Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Connor - $4.50
Sebastian - $4.50
Bradley - $3.90
Aaron - $2.70
Brinli -$48.70 $108.70
Steven -$99.50 $100.50
Graceann -$99 $102.70
Kyson, Karl and Suzanne -$46.80 $231.30
Weston -$45 $107.10
Waniya -$19 $1005.94
Thank you for reading - thank you for caring - thank you for sharing - thank you for donating !!
Aaron - $2.70
Brinli -
Steven -
Graceann -
Kyson, Karl and Suzanne -
Weston -
Waniya -
Thank you for reading - thank you for caring - thank you for sharing - thank you for donating !!
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