I don't know about you, but I check the Reece's Rainbow web site several times a day - specifically the "My Family Found Me" link. This is where children are moved to when a child is committed to by a family - when a family takes a leap of faith, and says THAT IS MY CHILD !!!
This is the link - MFFM - but, you don't really need to go and see - unless you want to - just look at these pictures
Do you see them ? Do you see the children ? Do you see their faces ? Do you see their eyes ?
All beautiful children - all over the age of 6 years old - ALL committed to within the last few weeks and months - all have families working towards bring them home !!
Do you see ?? ALL OLDER children !
ALL chosen !!
It blows my mind.
There are more - go to the link - scroll down - and see all of the children who, as you read this, have families fundraising, gathering paperwork, going through trainings, re-arranging bedrooms, buying clothes, preparing siblings, losing sleep and working so very hard to get their children home !!!
Unbelievable !!
As I spend my time trying to grow the grants of the older children - others are seeing those children and saying MINE !!!
Totally, amazingly, wonderful !!
While I know that moms and dads don't pick their sons and daughters because of the size of their grant - I do know that it helps.
Every single penny, every single dollar, goes towards the ransom to bring their children home.
Below, you will find the most updated list of older children (age 6 and above), who have less than $100 in their grants.
Those in purple had less than $100 on January 26th this year - but have been chosen and have families working to bring them home !!
Those in red had less than $100 in their grants on January 26th, but have since then jumped that $100 wall !!
Most of the children with $5 or less have been recently listed on Reece's Rainbow, and so haven't had a chance for their grants to grow yet.
Most of the children with more than $5 have been listed for quite a while - those with just one number next to their name have had ZERO donations since January 26th
(and for some, it has been MUCH longer - weeks and months - since anyone donated to them)
Can you help ?
Just a little ?
NO amount is too small.
Can't donate ?
Can you share ?
Do you have a blog ? Use Twitter ? Facebook ?
Sharing is easy !!
Share this blog - or share a child
Please - do what you can !!
Let's see how many more older children can be chosen by their families - help them soar !!
MFFM !!! (My Family Found Me)
Odelia - $5 (Domestic Foster Care)
Gillian - $37.80
Hedda - $10
Washington - $40 $45 $135 $150 $155
Connie - $22.50 $74.02 $119.02
Savannah - $10
Susan, Edmond and Lucy - $15 $60 $64.50 $298.50
Sutter - $60 $82.50 $107.25 $287.25 $306.15 $342.15 $351.15 $553.65
Pearl - $69.50 $76.95 $87.75
Maxwell - $63
Ianto - $0 $122
Caesar - $10 $20
Hogan - $10
Mitch - $10
Iris - $95 $725 $1085 $2174.90 $3610.90 $5823.50 $6503.89 $6742.39 $7093.39 $7183.39 $8356.99 $8536.99! $8691.94 $10091.94 $10244.94 $10424.94 $10766.99 $10789.49 $10865.99 $11033.49 $12441.99 $12540.99 $15494.14
Tania -$70.20 $1070.20 $1511.20 $1562.45 $3587.45 $5027.45 $6027.45
Paige -$56.25 $2504.25 $3504.25 $5959.15
Howell -$56 $866.50
Benjamin -$27 $477
Holly Rose -$0 $471.60 $1371.60
Shaina -$0 $5 $10 $350 $372.50 $411.20 $462.45
Artemur -$10 $253 $6715.50
Gene -$10 $100 $136 $226 $1226
Timothy -$0 $5 $36.50 $74.30 $204.80 $225
Devon(Brian) -$77.50 $104.50 $210
Ryan #6-14 -$72 $207
Soleil -$22.50 $112.50
Olive -$73 $78 $81 $99 $108
Eric -$60 $105
Jordan -$73 $83 $101 $5670
Daisy -$60.50 $101
Tania -
Paige -
Howell -
Benjamin -
Holly Rose -
Shaina -
Artemur -
Gene -
Timothy -
Devon(Brian) -
Ryan #6-14 -
Soleil -
Olive -
Eric -
Jordan -
Daisy -
Winnie - $95.80 $100.80
Glenn - $56.70 $81.70 $91.60 $100.60 $1100.60 $6221.60
Linda -$80 $90 $100
Joel (L) -$81 $100
Louie -$22.50 $74 $1074
Nina -$5 $56.50 $1056.50
Frankie -$50.40 $1050.40
Emmaline - $5 $50 $1050
Glenn -
Linda -
Joel (L) -
Louie -
Nina -
Frankie -
Emmaline -
Louis - $46 $117
Henry -$28 $46 $1046
Maria -$5 $10 $37 $1037 $11160.21
Zayne -$5 $15 $1015
Geneva L12 -$10 $1010
Gabriel L16 -$5 $1005
Xander -$0 $1090
Edith -$15 $25 $62 $72 $2725.50
Emil -$72 $1115.50
Elise -$68.50 $168.85
Adam #16-1 -$56 $66 $1232
Yuri -$65 $205.60
Megan -$60 $7035
Natalija L60 -$52.50 $7237.20
Valiant -$23 $3612
Araminta -$0 $10 $20 $2673.50
Isabella -$5.04 $1601.04
Thomas L19 -$5 $4610
Adam -$5 $2506.15
Scott -$0 $5 $2872.50
Prudence -$5 $935.95
Vance -$5 $2076.40
Jennie -$5 $1050
Josie-$0 $5186
Bryannah #8-3 -$0 $2360
Henry -
Maria -
Zayne -
Geneva L12 -
Gabriel L16 -
Xander -
Edith -
Emil -
Elise -
Adam #16-1 -
Yuri -
Megan -
Natalija L60 -
Valiant -
Araminta -
Isabella -
Thomas L19 -
Adam -
Scott -
Prudence -
Vance -
Jennie -
Bryannah #8-3 -
Soaring to $100 !!
Madden #61-1 - $73 $77.50
Climbing to $75
Margeaux L18 - $73
Brittany - $53 $68
Abram (L) - $65
Lance - $52.50 $62.50
Lanie (L) - $62
Andrey - $51.50 $61.50
Dixon $2-3 - $60.70
Nicholas - $60
Parker - $57
Nick - $46.29 $56.29
Leila - $55
Evan - $55
Russ - $52.50
Angelica - $50.20
Aurora (L) - $50
Evelyn (L) - $50
Donald - $50
Leo - $50
Sealey - $50
Colin - $40 $50
Reaching for $50
Nikolajs L15 - $45
Fritz L4 - $45
Nevada - $45
Amos - $45Cambria - $45
Emmalyn - $42.50
Lexi (L) - $37.50
Jasmina - $35
Danielle -
Quinn - $34
Jordan L26 -
Kylie - $30
Brenda (L) - $30
Carly (L) - $28
Shane - $27.50
Ryker - $27.49
Maiya - $25.20
Strolling to $25
Will -
Leroy -
Kevin -
Sullivan -
Gideon (L) - $20
Galvin - $18
Victor - $18
Laraby - $18
Jedidiah (L) - $17
Hayden (L) - $20
Kathleen - $18Galvin - $18
Victor - $18
Laraby - $18
Jedidiah (L) - $17
Collier - $15
Jenna (L) - $15
Callum (L) - $15
Baby Steps to $15
William and Tommy - $10
Duane - $10
Tatumn - $10
Julia - $10
Henry - $10
Kevin - $10
Venetia - $10
Jessica - $7
Brady L9 - $5
Mara - $5
Frieda - $5
Adelina - $5
Leonard - $5
James - $5
Canaan - $5
Violet - $5
Delta - $5
Havalah - $5
Coralina - $5
Alys - $5
Shayla - $5
Ella - $5
Cecily - $5
Braden - $5
Saul - $5
Patrick - $5
Kent - $5
David - $5

Richard - $5
Reid - $5
Andrew - $5
Diana -$0 $5
Hanson - $5
George #19-2 -$0 $5
Ty -$0 $5
Violet - $4.95
Kathryn - $4.50
Miranda - $4.50
Vanessa - $0
Richard - $5
Reid - $5
Andrew - $5
Diana -
Hanson - $5
George #19-2 -
Ty -
Violet - $4.95
Kathryn - $4.50
Miranda - $4.50
Vanessa - $0
Regina - $0
Now, what are you waiting for ?
Donate - share - pray !!!
Currently not available for adoption
Caiden 8W - $80
Ahmed R. 14G -$50 $68
Vera & Victor 8W - $67.50
Milo 2H - $65
Christine S. 8W -$50 $60
Andrew P 26HA -$50.20 $55.20
Devon 5G - $55
Mark 14 - $52
Tracie 2S -$10 $25 $35 - Gifted to Tessa
Jude 1G - $28 gifted to Logan
Caiden 8W - $80
Ahmed R. 14G -
Vera & Victor 8W - $67.50
Milo 2H - $65
Christine S. 8W -
Andrew P 26HA -
Devon 5G - $55
Mark 14 - $52
Tracie 2S -
Jude 1G - $28 gifted to Logan
Davin 8W - $25
Patrick 2S - $20