The great news is that as we start 2017, there are just TWO older children with ZERO in their grants !! I have no doubt that we can zap both of them before the first day of the new year is over !!
Here is my challenge to you.
Scroll through the list of children below.
They are all children listed as available for adoption with Reece's Rainbow.
They are all between the ages of 6 and 9 years old.
They all have special needs.
They all have less than $100 in their adoption grant.
Scroll through them - take a look at the names - see if you can spot one that is not at all familiar to you.
Click on their name.
See their photo.
Read their profile.
Then - you can make a choice.
You can close their profile, and never think of them again.
Or - you can look into their eyes.
You can say a prayer for them. Maybe add them to your prayer list.
You can share them.
You could donate $5, $10 or more to their adoption grant.
You could promise to come back once in a while to check in on them.
You could print out their photo and put it on your fridge.
You could do any number of things.
Whatever it is - please, do something.
Without you, without people sharing, donating, praying, these kids have no chance.
So - go ahead.
Pick a child today, and be that child's voice, if only for a day !!
Scroll through the list of children below.
They are all children listed as available for adoption with Reece's Rainbow.
They are all between the ages of 6 and 9 years old.
They all have special needs.
They all have less than $100 in their adoption grant.
Scroll through them - take a look at the names - see if you can spot one that is not at all familiar to you.
Click on their name.
See their photo.
Read their profile.
Then - you can make a choice.
You can close their profile, and never think of them again.
Or - you can look into their eyes.
You can say a prayer for them. Maybe add them to your prayer list.
You can share them.
You could donate $5, $10 or more to their adoption grant.
You could promise to come back once in a while to check in on them.
You could print out their photo and put it on your fridge.
You could do any number of things.
Whatever it is - please, do something.
Without you, without people sharing, donating, praying, these kids have no chance.
So - go ahead.
Pick a child today, and be that child's voice, if only for a day !!
Henley - $0
Oscar - $0
Kole - $92.70
Patrick - $85.50
Sonny - $81
Dolly - $65.16
Jessica - $63
Shadrach - $60.75
Aven - $58
Keegan - $57.50
Benny - $56.25
Jake - $50
Avery - 49.50
Kyson, Karl and Suzanne - $46.80
Dryden - $46.80
Wrennie - $45
Iain - $45
Rona - $45
Wendell - $40
Phillip - $39.60
Piper - $36
Jace - $32.50
Kendra - $32
Lucia - $29.70
Bryan - $29.50
Audrey - $27.50
Chayton - $27
Henrietta - $27
Hyde - $25
Pablo - $22.50
Joyanna - $22.50
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Shia - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Shia - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Andy - $19.80
Abigail - $19.80
Waniya - $19
Douglas - $18
Seth - $15.85
Annabelle - $14.40
Zachary - $13.50
Olin- $10
Kopelan - $10
Tiger - $10
Lola - $10
Ryker - $9
Sadie and Josie - $9
Scout - $9
Margi - $9
Alexa - $9
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Andreus - $9

Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Claudia - $9
Olive - $9
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Andreus - $9
Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Claudia - $9
Olive - $9
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Thaddeus - $5
Tony - $5
Zaki - $5
Xander - $5
Jordyn - $5
Sadie - $5
Emma - $5
Scout - $5
Esme - $5
Samuel and Cerah - $5
Laurel - $5
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Shaine - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Shaine - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Maximilian - $4.64
West - $4.50
Ziven - $4.50
Donny - $4.50
Davie - $4.50
Amber - $4.50
Layla - $4.50
Nina - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50

Timmy - $4.50
Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Piper - $4.50
Vikki - $4.50
Connor - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50
Timmy - $4.50
Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Piper - $4.50
Vikki - $4.50
Connor - $4.50
Don't forget - you can click on any name above, and you will be taken to that child's profile at Reece's Rainbow, where you can read all about them and see photos. These children all need families to step forward for them - the only way those families will find them is if they can SEE them - so please share these children far and wide. Let's get them found !!
Including the two zeros, we have about 191 children with less than $100 in their grants - so let's start the year off right, by helping them move up and over that $100 wall !!