So here we are, nine days since my last post. I've been stepping back, thinking that if I didn't watch the numbers, miracles might happen.
9 days ago, there were 45 of the original zeros still with less then $50 in their grants.
Today - no, a miracle didn't happen - but there are seven less of the original zeros waiting to jump the $50 wall.
That leaves 37 children who have been passed over too many times
37 children with no-one to love
37 children who don't get so much as a second glance.
37 children, who all have at least $20 in their grants.
37 children who I want to see leap over that wall and into the arms of their new mommy's and daddy's.
PLEASE help them.
It is 4th July in 2 weeks time - 14 days.
Can we do this ?
I know we can - but - will we ?? Do we care enough ?
Here are links to all of the older children with less than $50.
37 children. 14 days.
First - we have those with so much stacked against them - they are older, they have next to nothing in their grants AND they have
Please- read their profiles, picture them in your mind, and help them - out of the 37 original zeros, thirteen of them have no photo.
Don't just skip over them because you can't see their face. They need families just as much as all of the others, and have been passed over so many more times.
Please- read their profiles, picture them in your mind, and help them - out of the 37 original zeros, thirteen of them have no photo.
Don't just skip over them because you can't see their face. They need families just as much as all of the others, and have been passed over so many more times.
Dmitri - $24
Born July 5, 2003
Diagnosis: vegetative-vascular dystonia, scoliosis
Can you help him over the $50 wall before his 9th birthday ?
DOB: September 29, 2005 Location: Asia
Andrew was born to a mother with AIDS. He was treated as an “AIDS baby” until test results in 2007 confirmed that he does NOT have HIV/AIDS. All tests were negative. He has been in 3 different foster homes since birth. He had 2 siblings that were adopted (one domestically and one to another country).
He had laser treatment for retinal detachment and now wears glasses to correct his vision. He receives speech therapy and cognitive therapy. In August 2009, he was given cognitive testing and it was determined that he could attend kindergarten without any extra support. Photos and additional documents on Andrew are available through the agency.
Caesar - $20
DOB: June 03, 2004 Location: Asia
Caesar currently lives in foster care. He is diagnosed with developmental delays and may also have symptoms of Autism. He is described as kindhearted and does not bully the other children.
Walter - $30
DOB: November 29, 2004 Location: Asia
Walter is hearing impaired and currently wears hearing aids. There is additional information available through the agency, including an updated auditory report.
Erik - $20
Born 3/29/04
An incredibly handsome and charming boy who is seven years old, physically healthy and diagnosed with moderate mental retardation. This little guy is quite independent in self care areas and enjoys eating and playing with others. He lived with his birth family for the first three years of his life, currently resides in an institution and receives speech and occupational therapy. He loves music and books and enjoys the computer. His adorable face makes him a favorite of his caregivers who report him to be popular with his classmates. It is felt that he would make more progress in learning and development in a family setting with consistent care. Resilience is the word to describe this little boy who grieved hard for his biological family and who now longs for a family to love him as their own.
Allie - $20
Age: 7 years old.
Diagnosis: congenital deaf-mute.
Allie was found on a lawn near an abandoned building. Presently she has normal body and intellectual development. Although she was 3 years old upon admission, she was very independent. She is currently studying in a special school established by a disabled persons’ federation and has learned some simple sign language. She has simple communication with others. Although Allie’s special need is: congenital deaf-mute, she is active, gets along well with others, and is restless. Under the care and love of her caretakers, she feels safe, happy and content. Since admission she has not had any serious diseases, just occasionally gets a cold, running nose, cough and fever. She does not have any drug allergies.
Photos and additional information is available through the agency.
Linda - $20
DOB: July 26, 2005 Location: Asia
Linda has mild developmental delays. She receives speech therapy once a week. She’s currently living with a foster family.
Photos, a video and additional information is available through the agency.
Judie - $20
Born 11/16/2004
This little beauty is almost seven years old and continues to blossom every day! She is a little girl who enjoys stable health in the past year and is considered to be strong and resilient. Her never give up spirit has been encouraging to the others in her home and it is hoped her forever family will come forward to bring her home soon! Her medical history includes feedings by gastrostomy tube, epilepsy and blindness. She is being provided with ongoing physiotherapy and it is believed she will be a blessing to an adoptive family who is willing to embrace the possible challenges and unknowns in her future.
This little beauty is almost seven years old and continues to blossom every day! She is a little girl who enjoys stable health in the past year and is considered to be strong and resilient. Her never give up spirit has been encouraging to the others in her home and it is hoped her forever family will come forward to bring her home soon! Her medical history includes feedings by gastrostomy tube, epilepsy and blindness. She is being provided with ongoing physiotherapy and it is believed she will be a blessing to an adoptive family who is willing to embrace the possible challenges and unknowns in her future.
Emilija - $20
Born on April 14th, 2001 Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Little Emilija is just beautiful! She has light blue eyes and dark blond hair. Emilija’s receptive language is good. She understands what adults say to her, but she can not speak on her own yet. The doctor recommends continued speech and physical therapy, even gymnastics and music therapy! Emilija does have an older sister, but she is not available for adoption.
Natalija - $24
Born on March 16, 2001
This blue-eyed, blonde-haired beauty needs a loving family to thrive in! Natalija is described as active and friendly. She doesn't like to be told "no" or be reprimanded, and cries as a result (aaahh, girls!). Natalija likes to play games with her peers, even if she doesn't quite understand the rules. She is friendly and responsive, and is very loving towards her caregivers and friends. she is very good at playing independently and focusing on the task in front of her. She is stubborn sometimes, but I have found that this is a common trait of children with Down syndrome! Natalija does have a few words and basic self-service skills. She can dress and undress without help, and also eats and drinks unassisted.
Prudence - $24
Born March 4, 2000
AWARD WINNER!! This little girl is the winner of the Most Studious in her class! In the eyes of her teachers she is a positive, enthusiastic and very hardworking student. By holding the wrist of an adult she is able to walk and enjoys listening to music. Although she is considered to be a child with severe special needs she is described as one of the most responsive children in her home. She loves to be sung to, talked to, touched , hugged and giggles out loud when tickled. She has a history of respiratory illnesses, congenital chromosomal disorder and global developmental delay due to mental retardation. Despite her diagnoses of multiple health issues, this sweetheart continues to grow and live joyfully every day. She deserves to enjoy the one-on-one family relationship that only a family can give her!!
Rhonda - $24
Born 1/22/2000
Meet this twelve year old cutie pie! She is the winner of a Good Student Award in 2011. She enjoys learning and her classmates and likes to serve others as well. She is good at imitating sounds and using signs. She enjoys music and has made tremendous progress in her development over the last few years. She is described as a calm, contented and very resilient girl with Chromosomal Disorder and Microcephaly. Given her special needs she has come far and would only gain more with a family to call her own!
Anjelica - $50.20 !!
Anjelica - $50.20 !!
Born 2003
Anjelica was half-orphaned by her mother who died of heart attack. She was then cared for by her maternal grandmother who later died due to old age. With the latter's death, the custody of Anjelica went to her maternal grandmother's brother and sister-in-law, who subsequently referred her to the orphanage considering that they are also old with no sufficient income. While at the orphanage Anjelica's father appeared and signed the deed of voluntary commitment relinquishing Anjelica to the care of the state. Anjelica's father claimed incapability to provide for the child's needs.
In 2007, Anjelica was diagnosed with congenital heart disease and ventricular septal defect. She also had TB in the same year. She was also born with Down syndrome.
Anjelica is undernourished and is continually provided with Pediasure milk twice a day to supplement her food intake and improve her weight. She measures 85 centimeters in height and weighs 9.2 kilograms. Due to her congenital heart disease-ventricular septal defect, Anjelica takes lanoxin, aldactone, and furosemide.
At her age she can sit, stand alone for several minutes and make 3 to 5 steps without assistance. She can walk sideways holding on to the rails but most of the time she prefers to crawl than walk. She can hold objects and make actions like clapping, waving good-bye, and do flying kisses to familiar persons. She knows her name and understands simple instructions. She can also feed herself with snacks and drinks in a training cup without assistance. She can say bi-syllable words and uses body language or gestures to communicate what she wants. She easily cries if she does not get what she wants but is easily pacified. She is not yet toilet trained and needs assistance from her caregivers.
Anjelica enjoys and dances to music. She also loves playing with toys and participates in the activities provided by her caregivers. She is also comfortable even with strangers. Anjelica was referred to the Philippine Heart Center and is still under observation by her pediatric-cardiologist.
Angelia - $50 !!
Born April 7, 2001
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Angelia has been living in an institution for 5 years. Yet she is healthy, active, happy and SO ready for a family to love her and show her what her life is supposed to be like. She does have some strabismus, but no heart condition. The orphanage staff tell us she does like to play with toys, is interactive and affectionate, and has “potential to improve”.
Angelia is in a place where we have successfully adopted several children out of, and those families can tell you horror stories about many of the other kids there. Angelia is strong and healthy, despite her surroundings. What a miracle it would be to save her!
Lance - $24
Born December 2001
An 11-year-old boy with Mild Mental Developmental Delay, Mild Epilepsy, and ADHD
Lance lived with his bio parents until he was 4 years old. He has a mild mental developmental delay and is currently in 2nd grade. His language comprehension is below average and he tends to display distraction and attention deficit during academic learning. He does obey adults’ instructions and completes his coursework with reminding. While Lance was staying with his foster family, he began displaying agitated emotions and behavior responses. He was seen by a psychiatry office and a brain echo reflected a suspected diagnosis of minor epilepsy. Another psychiatry office performed a brain echo and reported no abnormal findings. The doctor reported that his epilepsy situation had been controlled, but Lance had epilepsy seizures twice in April 2011 while he was conscious and responsive. Therefore, he is seen by the psychiatry office monthly.
Lance has also been diagnosed with ADHD and is treated with the medications Strattera (25)1#QD, Tofranil (10) 1#QAM and Dogmatyl (50) 1#BID.
His birthmother intended to take her children home, but she is incapable of caring for her children due to financial difficulty and lack of parental skills. Although her original family voluntarily provides her with emotional support, they are all low-income households and could provide rare resources for support. Lance is a preteen boy with epilepsy, ADHD and mild mental developmental delay. It is difficult to locate a domestic family for him and his guardian expects that he will grow up in a stable and sound family through international adoption placement. Additionally, Lance has close relationships with his three younger siblings and he sincerely hopes he will keep in touch with them in the future.
Marjorie - $27.50
Born April 2002
Marjorie is a beautiful dark haired girl with a big smile and an even bigger personality. She is diagnosed HIV+, stage 2, and “inactive form” of Hep C. Marjorie is a smart girl and is hoping for a forever family. She is typically developing cognitively/physically/socially.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit http://www.
Christian - $26
Born June 2002
Christian is 10 years old. He is HIV+, stage 3. He has a scar on the left side of his nose (not sure from what).Christian is a handsome boy and well-liked by his peers and staff.For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit http://www.
Alan - $32.50
Born October 2003
Alan has a cleft palate and hydrocephalus, as well as mild mental retardation. This little boy does not have a moustache, the children were eating a snack just before their pictures were taken
However, he does show strong facial features of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and the cleft palate and hydrocehalus are common conditions associated with this syndrome. Be sure to research FAS thoroughly so you are prepared for the challenges that come with this special need. More pictures available.
Matvey - $33.50
Born August 28, 2004
Matvey is such a cute little boy, with blonde curls! He is cognitively delayed, but does not seem to have any official diagnosis other than that. He has amazing potential!! He was transferred to another region in 2010.
Please give this little guy a chance to fulfill his potential! One of our own adoptive families who visited with him in March 2008 shared this with us: "This little guy did NOT want to be photographed! He was quite happy doing whatever he was doing before being brought into the room but having his picture taken was not high on his priority list. He has "deep mental delay" (understand that this is according to Eastern European standards — he was more aware and alert than a child with Down syndrome might be at the same age). I can't tell you his eye color because he down-right refused to look at me, but those blonde curls sure were cute!"
Nathan - $20
Born September 2004
This handsome fellow has a mild mental delay. Can't you just imagine him in a family with a bunch of siblings to chase around outside? He's clearly not a fan of stopping his play for picture time.
Troy - $20
Born September 2003
Troy is a lucky guy to still be at his baby house! He is listed as having a mild mental delay. (His eyes look odd here because of the red eye reduction used on the photograph.)
Anderson - $30
Born December 13, 2003
Anderson is a sweet boy who is blessed to still be at his baby house. He is significantly cognitively delayed, and needs a loving family to help his achieve his potential. He does not have any words, but communicates through other sounds. He is able to walk and is physically active. he is facing the mental institution soon, hope someone will consider him and give him the life he so deserves!
Evan - $21
Born June 2003
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, epileptic syndrome, significant mental Retardation. Unable to walk, spastic/tight muscles. Evan is blessed to still be at the baby house (as of March 2010), but once he is transferred, he will spend the rest of his short life bedridden. Please consider being a loving family for Evan!
From a missionary who visited with him in March 2012: Evan is also in the boys new house where just 9 children are. He was gentle, lovey, cuddly and just so sweet. He is severely delayed but a gentle delight to be around and he loved stacking blocks with me. He was picked on quite a bit by the others who I saw hitting him. Felt so desperate for him.
Elaine - $20
Born June 2004
Elaine has a sweet smile, and a HUGE hair bow! She was all dolled-up for her pictures, and brought a favorite dolly along.
She has a moderate mental delay, flat feet, and may have tuberculosis. Elaine does show significant facial features of FAS, although this is not documented in her medical records.
Elaine's diagnosis has been changed to MILD mental delay. She is making good progress in her mental development. She is happy and healthy, polite, and plays well with other children. Elaine is also very tender, and helpful.
Mikale - $30
BornAugust 11, 2003
Main diagnosis: Down Syndrome. Severe lagging behind in his neuro-psychical development.
Detailed information on his development is coming soon!
Luke - $26
Born July 24, 2003
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Luke is a sweet boy who came to the orphanage at the age of 4 years. He began their “Half Heaven” kindergarten program and is doing well. Luke is able to eat and ress by himself, is potty trained, and plays well with others. Luke is very fond of music. He is physically active, and medically healthy”.
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records. Single moms permitted, no more than 6 children at home, only one parent has to travel.
Jordan - $20
Born January 2005
Jordan is waving hello!
He has Down syndrome, and he seems very tiny for his age. The other picture we have of him, he is lying down — we have no other information about him, but it is possible he is not yet walking.
This sweet boy would thrive in a family!
Glenn - $20
Born August 16, 2003
Down syndrome
Glenn has blonde hair and blue eyes. He has Down syndrome, and struggles with the effects of FAS. With this comes strabismus and a valvular heart defect. Despite this, he is doing well, mobile and active and friendly.
As with all children living in these difficult conditions, this child’s cognitive development has regressed significantly since he/she was younger. It is of crucial importance that any family considering the adoption of an older child from the mental institution setting be well prepared for what to expect with regards to how the neglect and lack of adequate medical care and nourishment has affected this child. These children all have TREMENDOUS potential for improvement, and deserve to have a life outside these four walls.
These children are truly living on borrowed time, and families should be home study approved before an official commitment can be made for this child.
Samuel - $30
Born June 3, 2003
YAY, new photo of Samuel, loooks how he’s grown! Updated medical info available as well.
Samuel has Down syndrome, an undescended testicle & flat feet. He also has a functional heart murmur that does not require therapy. He is integrated in a room with healthy children. He walks independently. He can drink out of a cup but still requires assistance with feeding. He carries our simple verbal instructions. He seeks out the company of adults. His development is delayed in all areas.
Steffie - $23
Born May 2003
Such a cute girl with a beautiful smile! Please disregard the mark on her nose — that's a flaw on the photograph.
To learn more about adopting and parenting a child living with HIV, visit
Jenny and Jordan - $23
Born Feb 2004
What a lovely girl, with such beautiful long hair! Jenny is HIV+. Very smart, typically developing.
Jenny has a healthy brother, born Feb 2008, and they CAN be adopted together because Jenny is older.
To learn more about adopting and parenting a child living with HIV, visit
Yuri - $24
Blonde hair and blue eyes. He has been diagnosed with HIV, but is medically healthy. Yuri is already living in the older child internat/boarding school, but can be adopted with any child from orphanage 37, 38, or 39 as well.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit
Andrew P. - $27
Date of Birth: July 2005
Andrew is a friendly and sociable boy who loves order which is immediately noticeable in his appearance – he is always combed and neat. He is a diligent and patient boy. These qualities help him to successfully develop new skills and apply them in practice. He grasps new concepts quickly. He is a cheerful boy and often smiling. HIV+
More photos available.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit http://www.
Mark - $31
Mark was born in August 2004.
He is living with HIV.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit http://www.
Avery - $30
Boy, Born April 2005
Avery is a handsome little boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He is also HIV + positive, with an RNA of 400. More photos available. He does not have any siblings. He is described as having a calm demeanor.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit
Yelena - $26
Born June 2004
What a beautiful, glowing smile Yelena has! Beautiful blonde hair (all hidden under her kerchief). Yelena is HIV+. She so badly wants a family of her own.
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit
Alisha - $30
Born March 24, 2003
Alisha was born with Penn-Sjogren Syndrome. We do not have any other info indicating why she may be cognitively and physically delayed.
From her medical records: Penn-Sjogren Syndrome
As with all children living in these difficult conditions, this child's cognitive development has regressed significantly since he/she was younger. It is of crucial importance that any family considering the adoption of an older child from the mental institution setting be well prepared for what to expect with regards to how the neglect and lack of adequate medical care and nourishment has affected this child. These children all have TREMENDOUS potential for improvement, and deserve to have a life outside these four walls.
These children are truly living on borrowed time, and families should be home study approved before an official commitment can be made for this child.
Thirty seven children. Orphans. Older. Forgotten. Unwanted.
Please - if you can only manage to donate $5, that's OK - lots of $5's soon add up. These children had ZERO in their grants last fall. Since then, they have been overlooked so many times - other children have had their grants grow by hundreds and thousands of dollars. Other children have found families.
THESE children are worth so much more than the few dollars in their grant.
Please - can't YOU be the one who sees their worth and helps them out ??