So today is Father's Day - a day when we celebrate all fathers.
Below are children without a father - children who need someone to step up, see them, and yell MY CHILD.
Listed first are the children in the $5 club.
There are 39 children between the ages of 6 and 9 who have less than $5 in their grants.
39 children who need a daddy.
39 children with a triple whammy - they have special needs, they are older, and they live in a country that does not value their worth.
Please SEE these 39 children.
If you are not able to adopt at this time - please find another way to help them.
You can share this post.
You can pick one child and share just them.
You can donate to one or more children, and get them OUT of the $5 club !!
You can pray for them.
Please - see these children - click on their name to read more about them.
On this Father's Day, please see these children, and do something.
Kamdyn - $0

Otto - $0

Zaki - $5
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Kipper - $5

Shaine - $5
Scout - $5
Esme - $5

Chelsea - $5
Elinor - $5
Jinger - $5
Laurel - $5

Nannette - $5
Xander - $5
Samuel and Cerah - $5
Calliope - $5
Thaddeus - $5

Emma - $5
Hank - $5
Sadie - $5
Kipper - $5
Shaine - $5
Scout - $5
Esme - $5

Chelsea - $5
Elinor - $5
Jinger - $5
Laurel - $5
Nannette - $5
Xander - $5
Samuel and Cerah - $5
Calliope - $5
Thaddeus - $5
Emma - $5
Hank - $5
Sadie - $5
Davie - $4.50
Below are the children who have more than $5, yet less than $100 in their accounts.
Stacey - $94.50
Aven - $58
Everly - $54
Merlin - $51
Jake - $50
Ellisyn - $50
Inga - $49.50
Brinli - $48.70
Jett - $48
Lorelie - $46.35
Vera - $45.90
Iain - $45
Ellisyn - $50
Inga - $49.50
Brinli - $48.70
Jett - $48
Lorelie - $46.35
Vera - $45.90
Iain - $45
Wendell - $40
Alder - $36
Bryan - $29.50
Beth -$20.26 $29.26

Kellsey - $28
Karis - $27.90
Piper - $27
Henrietta - $27
Max - $25.20
Connor - $25
Willis - $25
Nelton - $23
Beth -

Kellsey - $28
Karis - $27.90
Piper - $27
Henrietta - $27
Max - $25.20
Connor - $25
Willis - $25
Nelton - $23
Martin - $22.50
Stanley - $22.50
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50

Marisol - $22.50
JoyAnna - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Cassie - $22.50
Nolan - $20
Stanley - $22.50
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50

Marisol - $22.50
JoyAnna - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Cassie - $22.50
Nolan - $20
Jairus, Juno and Betty - $18
Chandler - $18
Roland - $18
Jasmine - $18
Anna -$9 $18
Chad -$4.50 $14.50
Chandler - $18
Roland - $18
Jasmine - $18
Anna -
Chad -
Jackson - $13.50
Ginny - $13.50
Moira & Mack - $13.50
Nicholas - $13.50
Buddy - $10.80
Selah Rose - $10.80
Lola - $10
Ginny - $13.50
Moira & Mack - $13.50
Nicholas - $13.50
Buddy - $10.80
Selah Rose - $10.80
Lola - $10
Tiger - $10
Waniya - $10
Chelsea Anne - $10
Amelia - $9.90
Celeste - $9.90
Brenna - $9.50
Carissa - $9.50

Waniya - $10
Chelsea Anne - $10
Amelia - $9.90
Celeste - $9.90
Brenna - $9.50
Carissa - $9.50

Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Andreus - $9
Margi - $9
Alexa - $9
Annabelle - $9
Riley & Robyn - $9
Audrey -$0 $4.50 $9
Jolina - $8
Marc -$3 $8
Kevin - $6.30
Aleah - $5.40
Bethany - $5.40
Frannie - $5.40
Charlie -$60.30 $105.30
Lawson - $9
Andreus - $9
Margi - $9
Alexa - $9
Annabelle - $9
Riley & Robyn - $9
Audrey -
Jolina - $8
Marc -
Stefan - $2.80 $7.80
Patti - $7.20Kevin - $6.30
Aleah - $5.40
Bethany - $5.40
Frannie - $5.40
Charlie -
Yuri - ON HOLD
Please SEE them.
Click on any name in the list above and you will be taken to their Reece's Rainbow profile, where you can see their picture, and read a little about them. You will also see a big pink donation button - you can donate via Paypal whether you have a Paypal account or not - any debit or credit card will work !!
I realize that we don't all have a lot of spare money paying around, so I totally understand if you cannot donate. However, sharing is free, and sharing is what will get these kids home into a family. Please - share this whole post - or pick a child and share them - you can blog about them, or share them on any social media platform that you choose.
If you can't do anything else - please pray.
I thank you.
Yuri - ON HOLD
Please SEE them.
Click on any name in the list above and you will be taken to their Reece's Rainbow profile, where you can see their picture, and read a little about them. You will also see a big pink donation button - you can donate via Paypal whether you have a Paypal account or not - any debit or credit card will work !!
I realize that we don't all have a lot of spare money paying around, so I totally understand if you cannot donate. However, sharing is free, and sharing is what will get these kids home into a family. Please - share this whole post - or pick a child and share them - you can blog about them, or share them on any social media platform that you choose.
If you can't do anything else - please pray.
I thank you.