For the updated list of older children who still need to break through that $100 wall, please go
So many children, so many beautiful souls, still waiting for their families - still waiting to be found.
But THESE - these are the ones.
These are the ones.
These are the ones that break my heart over and over and over.
Most of the children with between $50 and $100 have been listed for as long as I have been doing this. I have looked through the listings on Reece's Rainbow countless times, hoping to be able to update their grants.
Over and over and over again.
First, we zeroed their zeros.
Then we dragged them up to $20.
Then $50.
Now - we're trying to get them up to $100.
Really, it's not much to ask, is it ?
It seems that I am banging my head against the wall half the time.
Truly - I want to give up on a regular basis.
I try not to look at their faces.
I try to ignore them.
Not MY problem.
Can't save them all.
What's the point ?
They'll never be adopted.
They'll age out, and spend their lives in a mental institution.
Or age out onto the streets.
Our lives will go on as before.
Still not our problem.
Then - we get new kids listed.
New kids with ZERO.
So, we have to help them out.
Yet still - these kids.
Still there.
Still waiting.
Still not being seen - passed over so many times.
Some kids, you see their grants grow - slowly but surely.
Some kids have fast growing grants - they get listed, and then bam - money floods in, and before you know it, they are found.
Orphans no more.
Not these kids.
A handful of them - yes, fairly newly listed.
Most of them - ignored. Unloved. Unseen.
Breaks my heart every time.
Several times a week.
Please - click on their names.
Look into their eyes.
Learn a little about them.
Share them. Donate to them.
Do anything, but please - don't ignore them.
Jordan - $73 $83
Joel (L) - $81
Linda - $80
Margeaux L18 -
Tania - $70.20
Elise - $68.50
Brittany -$53 $68
Vera & Victor 8W - $67.50
Milo 2H - $65
Abram (L) - $65
Yuri - $65
Lanie (L) - $62
Dixon $2-3 - $60.70
Daisy - $60.50

Eric - $60
Megan - $60
Sutter - $60
Alan - $58
Parker - $57
Prudence - $56.70
Glenn - $56.70
Paige - $56.25
Adam #16-1 - $56
Devon 5G - $55
Leila - $55
Evan - $55
Moses - $55
Lance - $52.50
Russ - $52.50
Emil - $72
Tania - $70.20
Marty #6-7 -
Pearl - $69.50Elise - $68.50
Brittany -
Vera & Victor 8W - $67.50
Milo 2H - $65
Abram (L) - $65
Yuri - $65
Lanie (L) - $62
Dixon $2-3 - $60.70
Daisy - $60.50
Eric - $60
Megan - $60
Sutter - $60
Alan - $58
Parker - $57
Prudence - $56.70
Glenn - $56.70
Paige - $56.25
Adam #16-1 - $56
Devon 5G - $55
Leila - $55
Evan - $55
Moses - $55
Lance - $52.50
Russ - $52.50
Natalija L60 -
Mark 14 - $52
Christian - $51.80

Dylan #17-3 - $51.80
Andrey - $51.50
Judie - $51.50
Caesar - $51.50
Dmitri - $51
Anderson - $50.70
Troy - $50.60
Mark 14 - $52
Christian - $51.80
Dylan #17-3 - $51.80
Andrey - $51.50
Judie - $51.50
Caesar - $51.50
Dmitri - $51
Anderson - $50.70
Troy - $50.60
Aurora (L) - $50
Rhonda - $50
Tyson - $50
Ahmed R. 14G - $50
Ilyssa - $50
Christine S. 8W -
Evelyn (L) - $50
Donald - $50
Leo - $50
Sealey - $50
Nathan - $50
- $40 $50
And if you want your heart to really be ripped into tiny pieces and flushed down the toilet - there's Heath.
Fully funded, except for the initial fees involved in a home study and commitment through Reece's Rainbow.
Sweet, beautiful, Heath - truly one of the Lost Boys.
He's the one.
The one who stole my heart and led me toward the older kids of Reece's Rainbow.
Heath's family - where are you ?
Please hurry.
He's waiting for you !!