I am happy to report that we currently have ZERO children over the age of 6 with ZERO in their adoption grant !!!!
We have several children who aged out of the age 6-9 category, and into the age 10+ category.
The children over the age of 10 who have Down Syndrome are eligible for a $15,000 adoption grant !!!!
Click HERE to see them.
Those with other disabilities are eligible for a $10,000 grant !!!
You can find them HERE.
So, this leaves us with 182 children who have less than $100 in their grants.
What can we do to change this ?
Firstly - we need to share them.
These children will never be found by their families if they aren't shared - so our job is to get their faces out there, and to get them seen by as many people as possible.
Sharing is easy - you can click any child's name, and you will be taken to their profile at Reece's Rainbow, and you can share from there.
Or - you can simply share this blog post - on Facebook, Twitter, your own blog - anywhere, and everywhere.
Secondly we need a goal.
This week, my goal is to get those children who are CLOSEST to the $100 wall OVER that wall.
There are just SEVEN children who are within $20 of $100 - one of them is just 50 cents away !
You can see their pictures below - and donating is SO easy.
Just click on their name, then when you see their Reece's Rainbow profile, click on the big pink donate button - from there, you can donate using Paypal or a credit/debit card. Simple !
Kole - $92.70
The children below have further to go to reach the $100 goal - but feel free to help them out and get them closer - or over - that wall !
Sarea - $78.36
Faye - $76.55
Jessica - $63
Shadrach - $60.75
Aven - $58
Keegan - $57.50
Benny - $56.25
Jake - $50
Avery - 49.50
Kyson, Karl and Suzanne - $46.80
Dryden - $46.80
Wrennie - $45
Iain - $45
Rona - $45
Wendell - $40
Phillip - $39.60
Piper - $36
Jace - $32.50
Lucia - $29.70
Bryan - $29.50
Chayton - $27
Henrietta - $27
Hyde - $25
Pablo - $22.50
Joyanna - $22.50
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Austin - $22.50
Francis - $22.50
Jerome - $22.50
Kaelin - $22.50
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50
Jennifer - $22.50
Jenni - $22.50
Chloe - $20
Andy - $19.80
Abigail - $19.80
Waniya - $19
Douglas - $18
Seth - $15.85
Annabelle - $14.40
Zachary - $13.50
Olin- $10
Kopelan - $10
Tiger - $10
Lola - $10
Ryker - $9
Sadie and Josie - $9
Scout - $9
Alexa - $9
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Claudia - $9
Olive - $9
Vikki -$4.50 $9
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Ashton - $9
Kaiden - $9
Lawson - $9
Deacon - $9
Ryan - $9
Claudia - $9
Olive - $9
Vikki -
Marc - $8
Jolina - $8
Stefan - $7.80
Thaddeus - $5
Tony - $5
Zaki - $5
Xander - $5
Jordyn - $5
Sadie - $5
Emma - $5
Scout - $5
Esme - $5
Samuel and Cerah - $5
Laurel - $5
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Henley - $5
Natalia - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Corbett - $5
Jordy - $5
Haiden - $5
Hank - $5
Porter - $5
Halden - $5
Yanni - $5
Jinger - $5
Nadine - $5
Henley - $5
Natalia - $5
Frankie Lee - $4.72
Maximilian - $4.64
West - $4.50
Ziven - $4.50
Donny - $4.50
Davie - $4.50
Amber - $4.50
Layla - $4.50
Nina - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50

Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Piper - $4.50
Connor - $4.50
Leo - $4.50
Blakeley - $4.50
Tyler - $4.50
Aden - $4.50
Luken - $4.50
Marco - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Harper - $4.50
Piper - $4.50
Connor - $4.50