As you may know, the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree fundraiser is underway, and I am trying to figure out how to raise $1000 for both Sealey and Seton.
While I work on that, other Christmas Warriors are working on raising the $1000 for THEIR Angel Tree children.
So, I thought I would share some of their fundraising efforts - every single child is worthy of your time and donations, so please read on, and see if there's anything you're interested in !!
This is a great time of year to buy Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers, and all kinds of things you didn't even know you needed !!
While I work on that, other Christmas Warriors are working on raising the $1000 for THEIR Angel Tree children.
So, I thought I would share some of their fundraising efforts - every single child is worthy of your time and donations, so please read on, and see if there's anything you're interested in !!
This is a great time of year to buy Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers, and all kinds of things you didn't even know you needed !!
Leah has a blog - HERE, and also has an online auction to benefit her kiddos right HERE - go ahead and check it out, there are books (for adults and children), hair bows, jewelry, DVD's, and more !!
This auction ends on November 20th.
Next is Bryce, a gorgeous little guy, who turns 7 this December.
His warrior has a Pampered Chef fundraiser to benefit his grant - orders must be submitted by November 28th, so don't miss out, get all your cooking essentials ordered before you forget !!
Micah is 3 years old
His Christmas Warrior has a blog HERE - check it out - and find out how a $5 donation to Micah can get your favorite Reece's Rainbow child on her blog's sidebar AND she will blog about that child, too - what a great way to get the word out about ANY child !!
This is Zayne

Zayne's Warrior has a blog post HERE, she has several items for sale to benefit Zayne's Angel Tree grant, including books, DVD's and puzzles !! Don't forget - Christmas is around the corner !
Lastly, for now, is my own current fundraiser for Sealey and Seton
This is Zayne
Zayne's Warrior has a blog post HERE, she has several items for sale to benefit Zayne's Angel Tree grant, including books, DVD's and puzzles !! Don't forget - Christmas is around the corner !
Lastly, for now, is my own current fundraiser for Sealey and Seton
I am selling Angels for my Angels !!
These angels are about 7" tall, and made of a light cardboard, and are a wonderful little craft for children of all ages !!
They are Magic Color Scratch Angel Ornaments.
YOU make this angel's gown colorful! Just scratch designs onto her dress with a scratching tool, then hang these Magic Color Scratch Angel Ornaments on a Christmas tree or use them as creative gift tags !
These would be great for your own kids, or buy a few for their Sunday School, daycare, school, Christmas party or a family gathering. They are quick and easy, and oh so colorful !
Each Angel is just $1, with a minimum order of 5 (to offset crazy Paypal fees). Shipping is FREE, each angel will have a ribbon, and for every 2 angels ordered, you will receive a scratching tool.
These angels are about 7" tall, and made of a light cardboard, and are a wonderful little craft for children of all ages !!
They are Magic Color Scratch Angel Ornaments.
YOU make this angel's gown colorful! Just scratch designs onto her dress with a scratching tool, then hang these Magic Color Scratch Angel Ornaments on a Christmas tree or use them as creative gift tags !
These would be great for your own kids, or buy a few for their Sunday School, daycare, school, Christmas party or a family gathering. They are quick and easy, and oh so colorful !
Each Angel is just $1, with a minimum order of 5 (to offset crazy Paypal fees). Shipping is FREE, each angel will have a ribbon, and for every 2 angels ordered, you will receive a scratching tool.
To order - please make payment to either Sealey or Seton's Angel Tree fund.
Then, send your receipt to me at, at the same time letting me know your correct mailing address and how many Angels you would like, and I'll ship them to you as soon as possible.
Remember - any payments made directly to the boys grants are tax deductible - AND if you donate $35 or more, you will receive a beautiful Christmas ornament, sent to you directly from Reece's Rainbow !!
Then, send your receipt to me at, at the same time letting me know your correct mailing address and how many Angels you would like, and I'll ship them to you as soon as possible.
Remember - any payments made directly to the boys grants are tax deductible - AND if you donate $35 or more, you will receive a beautiful Christmas ornament, sent to you directly from Reece's Rainbow !!
Thank you for reading, and for helping our Angels - let's get them funded and find them families !!
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