There are currently 237 older children listed with Reece's Rainbow who have less than $100 in their grants.
237 children waiting for families.
237 children waiting to be seen, waiting to be found, waiting to be loved.
237 children.
Since January 24th, I have been turning kids GREEN, in my list below, whenever they had money added to their grant.
Out of the 237 children listed below, 53 of them have turned green in the past 2 months.
While that is WONDERFUL - they have been SEEN - it still means that 184 of them have NOT been seen.
184 children have had nothing added to their grant in the past 2 months.
No-one has seen them and chosen to give a dollar or two.
No one has deemed them worthy enough.
I KNOW we cannot give to every child - trust me, if I could, I'd donate to each and every child - but, like you, I'm not able to do that.
All I can do is SHOUT !!!!
If you can't give - please - shout for these children.
If you can give - please give - and THEN shout !!
Please - choose any child who hasn't turned green - choose several of them - and SHOUT for them.
Share their need on your Facebook page - on your blog - on Twitter - talk about them to your friends and colleagues.
DO anything - do something !!
Once you've shared a child - please, come back and leave a comment - or comment on Facebook - so I know you have shouted for them.
I'll even turn them RED on the list below, so we know that, even though their grant may not have grown - they have, indeed, been seen.
I need to know that someone, somewhere, sees them.
Please - help me turn them green - or red - just SEE them, please.
Oh - and there are 20 children with ZERO - please, zap them if you can !!
My Family Found Me !!
Calista -$0 $4.50 $9 $40.50
Maey - $4.64
Wade - $0
Cody Dean - $85.50
Banning -$14.40 $45
Felicity -$0 $22.50
Katie - $22.50
Qing - $0
Yeardley - $0
Henry -$0 $9
Leona - $9
Charlie -$22.50 $27
Walt -$0 $19.80
Trace -$0 $18
Gwynne - $5
Gavin -$0 $4.50
Lana - $0
Erix - $0
Tallie -$5 $90.50
Laura -$0 $9.90 $14.49 $59.49
Dara - $45
We Made it Over $100 !!
Tripp -$93.50 $95.50 $100
Beau -$72 $162
Charlene -$0 $337.50 $945.07
Lucas -$0 $117
Ysabelle -$90 $112.50
Gertie -$0 $9 $99 $103.50
Lyla -$96 $100.50
Jotham -$27 $418.50 $720.50 $1366.38
Quilliam -$10 $32.50 $61.35 $71.20 $91 $100
Fabio -$75 $102
Leila -$55 $64 $69.99 $101.49
Sullivan -$23 $33.80 $64.40 $109.40
Willow -$5 $14 $17.88 $89.88 $2589.88 !!
Wetherby -$45 $108 $2575.50
Tobias -$91.89 $100.89
Rebecca -$13.50 $2158.50
Jamison -$4.50 $2104.50
Calista -
Maey - $4.64
Wade - $0
Cody Dean - $85.50
Banning -
Felicity -
Katie - $22.50
Qing - $0
Yeardley - $0
Henry -
Leona - $9
Charlie -
Walt -
Trace -
Gwynne - $5
Gavin -
Lana - $0
Erix - $0
Tallie -
Laura -
Dara - $45
We Made it Over $100 !!
Tripp -
Beau -
Charlene -
Lucas -
Ysabelle -
Gertie -
Lyla -
Jotham -
Quilliam -
Fabio -
Leila -
Sullivan -
Willow -
Wetherby -
Tobias -
Rebecca -
Jamison -
$60 - $70
Nicholas - $60
$50 - $60
Rupert -$0 $4.73 $58.73
Kirk -$0 $13.50 $58.50
Adelaide -$0 $26.10 $36.90 $56.70

$50 - $60
Rupert -
Kirk -
Adelaide -
Chasen - $55
Jeremiah - $54.50
Sarahfina -$0 $5 $54.50
Chantelle -$23 $36.50 $54.50

Faye -$49.05 $54.05
Jeremiah - $54.50
Sarahfina -
Chantelle -
Faye -
Merlin - $51
$40 - $50
Jory - $45

Hayden -$0 $45
Quincy -$0 $45

Eponine - $45
Freddie -$0 $45
Evelyn -$27.50 $41
Daisy -$13.30 $17.80 $35.80 $40.65
Hayden -
Quincy -
Eponine - $45
Freddie -
Evelyn -
Daisy -
Quinn - $34
Kendra - $23 $32
Ellie -$5 $23 $32
Lizzie -$0 $4.73 $22.73 $31.73
Flynn -$13.50 $31.50
Colleen -$0 $4.50 $9 $31.50
Alexandra -$0 $9 $31.50
$20 - $30
Zann -$10.80 $19.80 $24.30 $28.80
Alexey - $28
Kellsey - $28
Karis -$27.90
Ellie -
Lizzie -
Flynn -
Colleen -
Alexandra -
$20 - $30
Zann -
Alexey - $28
Kellsey - $28
Karis -$27.90
Mariah - $0 $9 $27
Piper -$22.50 $27
Iris -$22.50 $27
Kambry -$18 $27
Alice - $27
Peter -$23.50 $26.20
Piper -
Iris -
Kambry -
Alice - $27
Peter -
Alex - $22.50
Huey - $22.50

Shia -$0 $22.50
Nadine - $22.50
Kaelin -$0 $22.50
Warner -$0 $22.50
Meredith -$0 $22.50
Jenny - $22.50
Nolan - $20
$10 - $20
Huey - $22.50
Shia -
Nadine - $22.50
Kaelin -
Warner -
Meredith -
Jenny - $22.50
Nolan - $20
$10 - $20
Alice - $18.41
Tracy - $18 (On hold)
Brad - $0 $13.50
Athens -$9 $13.50

Haines -$0 $9 $13.50
Leigh - $13.50
Trudy and Tristan -$5.40 $13.50
Vaida - $13.50
Graham -$0 $5.40 $10.80
Athens -
Haines -
Leigh - $13.50
Trudy and Tristan -
Vaida - $13.50
Graham -
Dean - $10
Artie - $10
Waniya - $10
Venetia - $10
$9 - $10
Harrison -$0 $9.95
Amelia -$4.50 $9.90
Celeste -$0 $9.90
Joy -$5.40 $9.90
Venetia - $10
$9 - $10
Harrison -
Amelia -
Celeste -
Joy -
Justin - $9
Bonn - $9
Frank - $5
Hanson - $5
Patrick - $5
Jinger - $5
Robert - $5
Rhyder - $5
Adelina - $5
Coralina - $5
Sandy - $5
Havalah - $5
Shayla - $5
Frieda - $5
Clarabelle -$0 $5

Madison -$0 $5
Mason -$0 $5
Shaine -$0 $5
Halden -$0 $5
Jacob -$0 $5
Haile -$0 $5
Elinor -$0 $5
Asherton -$0 $5
$1 - $5
Ezra - $4.95
Harry -$0 $4.73

Edward -$0 $4.73
Coralina - $5
Sandy - $5
Havalah - $5
Shayla - $5
Frieda - $5
Clarabelle -
Madison -
Mason -
Shaine -
Halden -
Jacob -
Haile -
Elinor -
Asherton -
$1 - $5
Ezra - $4.95
Harry -
Edward -
Jacques - $4.50
Tomo - $0 $4.50
Nelson -$0 $4.50

Jacque -$0 $4.50
Edison -$0 $4.50
Drew -$0 $4.50
Piper -$0 $4.50
Emilie -$0 $4.50
Nigel -$0 $4.50
Sophia -$0 $4.50
Sheila - $4.50
Saam -$0 $4.50
Luken -$0 $4.50
Bazil and Bendek -$0 $4.50
Christopher - $4.50
Kurt - $4.50
Timmy - $4.50
Tobias James - $4.50
Jimmy - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Marco -$0 $4.50
Audrey and Anna -$0 $4.50
Kippy -$0 $4.50
Charles -$0 $4.50
Timothy John - $4.50
Seth - $1.80
Frye -$0 $1.80
Jamie - $0

Mike - $0

Mark - $0

Cavan - $0

Porter - $0

Sherman - $0

Marygrace - $0

Shawnessy - $0

Amber - $0

Oliver - $0

Carson - $0

Victoria - $0

Luke - $0

Natalie - $0

Jade - $0

Ross James - $0

Adonai - $0

Amadeus - $0

Clara - $0

Skyler - $0

Please help them.
Turn them GREEN - donate !!
Turn them RED - shout !!
If you can't do anything else - please - care.
Nelson -
Jacque -
Edison -
Drew -
Piper -
Emilie -
Nigel -
Sophia -
Sheila - $4.50
Saam -
Luken -
Bazil and Bendek -
Christopher - $4.50
Kurt - $4.50
Timmy - $4.50
Tobias James - $4.50
Jimmy - $4.50
Luciana - $4.50
Marco -
Audrey and Anna -
Kippy -
Charles -
Timothy John - $4.50
Seth - $1.80
Frye -
Jamie - $0
Mike - $0
Mark - $0
Cavan - $0
Porter - $0
Sherman - $0
Marygrace - $0
Shawnessy - $0
Amber - $0
Oliver - $0
Carson - $0
Victoria - $0
Luke - $0
Natalie - $0
Jade - $0
Ross James - $0
Adonai - $0
Amadeus - $0
Clara - $0
Skyler - $0
Please help them.
Turn them GREEN - donate !!
Turn them RED - shout !!
If you can't do anything else - please - care.
Trying to share where I can :)