Well, here we are, a brand new year !! I've been caught up in the excitement of the Angel Tree over the past 2 months - but now, hopefully, we'll get back to regularly scheduled programming !
The Angel Tree was a huge success - no, we didn't get ALL 239 children over the $1000 goal - but we DID get
76 children between $500 and $1000
143 children with MORE than $1000
Yes - ALL the children now have at least $500 more in their grants than they had before this year's Angel Tree.
There were a couple of wonderful anonymous matching grants, which helped bumped many of the children over - whoever you are - I cannot thank you enough !!
Best of all -
Twenty children were seen by their soon to be families - families who are, as we speak, working through the fundraising, paperwork and heartache that goes into adoption - twenty children who will, all being well, be home with their families by NEXT Christmas !!
Yes - I declare this Angel Tree a success - even though he final figures are not yet in, we do know that over $200,000 was raised for these kids, in just two months !!
What, for me, is the most exciting, is that 27 older children, who before November 1st, had less than $100 in their grants, were on this years Angel Tree.
Out of the 27
20 warriors raised more than $1000 for their child
7 warriors raised more than $500 for their child
SO exciting !!
My two Angel Tree boys both made their goal, thanks to many wonderful donors
- THANK YOU !!! -
You may remember that I pledged to get a tattoo if my boys got to their goal - and yes,, this WILL happen - I just have to work out the details and work up the courage !! I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it happens !
Now - for the final tally of the kids with less than $100.
There are still several kids with zero - but look at all the children who have been found, and SO many flew over that $100 wall !!! we'll be zapping those zeros as soon as we recover from the Angel Tree, I'm sure.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has helped shout for these children !!
In the next few days, I will be re-vamping the blog, and starting the year with a new list of children to share, shout for, and donate to !!
My Family Found Me !!
Jeffrey - $0 $9.95
Lance - $52.50 $62.50
Weston - $22.50
Kevin - $10
Thea - $0
Merry & Margaret -$42.75 $88.75
York -$22.50 $40.50
Cooper -$0 $4.50 $14.50
Nate -$0 $5
Theo -$0 $207
Jude -$13.50 $373.50
Zach -$0 $4.50 $78.75 $209.25 - Angel Tree
Jada -$45 $48.60
Barry -$9 $10.80 $15.30 $18.73 $248.23 $473.23
Tadd -$0 $18 $108
Clyde -$0 $1.78 $11.78 $2638.77
Delta -$5 $9.50 $16.71
Brandy - $8.10
Sheppard -$0 $31.50 $76.50 $2703.48
Orion -$7 $75
Jordan$0 $5 $23 $50
Molly -$0 $5
Everly - $4.50
Merry & Margaret -
York -
Cooper -
Nate -
Theo -
Jude -
Zach -
Jada -
Barry -
Tadd -
Clyde -
Delta -
Brandy - $8.10
Sheppard -
Orion -
Molly -
Everly - $4.50
100+ !!
George #19-2 - $0 $5 $77 $86 $100 $104.50 $110.49 $166.29- $204.50 $722 Angel Tree
Miranda -$4.50 $9 $18 $27 $36 $126 $144
Virgil - $50 $95 $100
Genevieve -$94.50 $101.49 $505.83 $734.83 $851.49 $1103.49- Angel Tree
Shane -$27.50 $45.50 $50 $82.40 $199.40 $215.15
Colin -$40 $50 $60.04 $69.04 $78.04 $100.54
Leo -$50 $59.90 $68.90 $100.40
Hayden (L) -$20 $142.50
Niles (L) -$10 $2510
Eldon (L) -$10 $175.50
Cade -$0 $2500
Alyssa -$0 $95 $100.40 $122.90
Carolina -$0 $94.50 $139.82 $494.71
Jeromy -$0 $5 $590
Miranda -
Virgil -
Genevieve -
Shane -
Colin -
Leo -
Hayden (L) -
Niles (L) -
Eldon (L) -
Cade -
Alyssa -
Carolina -
Jeromy -
Hunter, Forest & Ridge - $0 $5 $905 $1013 $1071.50 $1348.70 $1905.80 - Angel Tree
Annalise - $0 $87.30 $235.80 $520.80 $624.30 $1546.80 - Angel Tree
Addison -$0 $118.80 $123.80 $285.80 $428 $698 $1151.50 - Angel Tree
Russ -$52.50 $66.90 $80.40 $102.90
Dixon $2-3 -$60.70 $76 $101.50 $412 $439 $1076 - Angel Tree
Crystal L25 -$5 $15 $39.30 $44.30 $471.80 $696.80 $794.30 $1064.30 - Angel Tree
Jordan L26 -$5 $32 $234.50 $599 $639.50 $2147.60 $2229.50 - Angel Tree
Leroy -$7 $23 $165
Davian - $22.50 $423.90 $468.90 $551.40 $737.63 $1025.96 - Angel Tree
Zebadiah -$0 $5 $190
Kelvin -$0 $5 $150.80 $191.30 $267.80 $347 $1005.50 - Angel Tree
AnnaMarie -$0 $4.50 $99 $127.80 $178.20 $492.30 $1024.88 - Angel Tree
Sarai -$0 $4.50 $9.45 $83.25 $110.25 $685.35 $759.45 $1036.75 - Angel Tree
Kendall -$4.91 $75 $142.50 $165 $170.18
Anthony -$9 $1423 $1468
Avery -$9 $234
Brooks -$4.50 $297.50 $1013 - Angel Tree
Daphne -$0 $220.50 $4161.38 $4936.88 - Angel Tree
Jake -$52.20 $65.70 $74.70 $244.80 $424.80 $762.80 - Angel Tree
Haisten -$62.50 $143.50 $291.55 $1060.45 - Angel Tree
Jill L22 -$5 $14 $32 $59 $103.91 $135.41 $1032 - Angel Tree
Paul -$4.50 $31.50 $58.50 $139.50 $1004.50 - Angel Tree
Igor -$11.16 $17.46 $57.96 $165.96 $282.96 $541.76 - Angel Tree
Eva -$9.28 $22.78 $49.78 $222.03 $237.55 $556.80 - Angel Tree
Lyle -$0 $22.50 $49.50 $185.40 $212.40 $1024.50 - Angel Tree
Callie -$0 $5 $9.50 $29.50 $164.50 $646.35 - Angel Tree
Brandon -$0 $5 $27.50 $68.00 $145.58 $1005 - Angel Tree
Jovan -$0 $5 $212
Melissa -$0 $5 $212.25
Nikolajs L15 -$45 $50 $63.50 $99.50 $207.50 $1061 - Angel Tree
Brady L9 -$5 $50 $55 $65 $98.30 $155 $577 - Angel Tree
Luke Anthony -$4.50 $9 $48.60 $58.68 $98.28 $152.28 $572.90 - Angel Tree
Harlan -$0 $4.50 $22.50 $63.00 $104.60 $1004.50 - Angel Tree
Hylah -$22.50 $149.50 $265.83
Gunter -$9 $110
Sarina -$0 $175.50
Daniel -$0 $94.50 $2344.50
Isolde -$5 $15 $465
Nicholas -$10 $1855
In Loving Memory :(
Ryker -$27.49 $54.49 - Grant gifted to Garion
Addison -
Russ -
Dixon $2-3 -
Crystal L25 -
Jordan L26 -
Leroy -
Davian - $
Zebadiah -
Kelvin -
AnnaMarie -
Sarai -
Kendall -
Anthony -
Avery -
Brooks -
Daphne -
Jake -
Haisten -
Jill L22 -
Paul -
Igor -
Eva -
Lyle -
Callie -
Brandon -
Jovan -
Melissa -
Nikolajs L15 -
Brady L9 -
Luke Anthony -
Harlan -
Hylah -
Gunter -
Sarina -
Daniel -
Isolde -
Nicholas -
In Loving Memory :(
Ryker -
Soaring to $100 !!
Laurence -
Buddy -
Susana -
Eliah -
Lexi (L) -
Mario -
Galvin -
Opal -
Sara - $81
Shawn -
Bailey -
Evan -
Blaine -
Morris -
Denzel -
Violet -
Fabio -
Phoenix -
Jonathan -
Nehemiah -
Climbing to $75
Canaan - $5 $71
Reid - $5 $70
Donald -$50 $68
Luca -$0 $23 $68
Hannah -$0 $9 $31.50 $54 $65.25
Mariya -$46.50 $64.50
Donald -
Luca -
Hannah -
Mariya -
Cambria - $45 $54 $59
Jake - $57
Melanie -$4.50 $49.50
Ian and Isaiah -$0 $5 $49.10
Murray -$0 $9 $38.50 $47.50
Leila - $55
Aurora (L) - $50
Jason - $5 $50
JoJo -$0 $5 $41 $50
Levi -$5 $27.50 $50
Diana -$0 $5 $23 $50
Stephen -$0 $9 $14 $36.50 $50
JoJo -
Levi -
Diana -
Stephen -
Reaching for $50
Melanie -
Ian and Isaiah -
Murray -
Jory - $0 $45
Grace - $45
Jerry -$0 $45
Jared -$0 $40.50
Lenny -$0 $4.50 $39.06
James -$5 $27.50 $37.50
Grace - $45
Jerry -
Jared -
Lenny -
James -
Marv - $13.50 $36
Joyce -$0 $4.50 $13.50 $36
Quinn - $34

Jasper and Jasmin -$0 $33.30
Marty -$0 $5 $32
Ethan -$0 $9 $22.50 $31.50
Joyce -
Quinn - $34
Jasper and Jasmin -
Marty -
Ethan -
Zephan - $16.65 $25.65
Strolling to $25
Trisha and Tyler - $0 $4.05 $22.05 $24.05
Saul -$5 $23
Antonio -$0 $5 $23
Syler -$0 $5 $23
Kendra -$0 $5 $23

Sullivan -$5 $23

Chantelle -$0 $5 $23
Saul -
Antonio -
Syler -
Kendra -
Sullivan -
Chantelle -
Baby Steps to $15
Cheryl - $5 $14
Heath -$0 $5 $14
Krista -$0 $5 $14
Flynn -$0 $4.50 $13.50
Daisy -$7 $13.30
Clara -$0 $11.70

Heath -
Krista -
Flynn -
Daisy -
Clara -
Venetia - $10
Justin - $9
Athens - $9
Becky - $9
Joseph -$0 $9
Hallie -$0 $9
Brayden - $9
Eloise - $9
Bonn -$0 $9
Richard -$5 $8.60
Jolina - $8
Vanessa -$0 $5 $8
Becky - $9
Joseph -
Hallie -
Brayden - $9
Eloise - $9
Bonn -
Richard -
Jolina - $8
Vanessa -
Jessica - $7
Frieda - $5
Adelina - $5
Leonard - $5
Havalah - $5
Coralina - $5
Shayla - $5
Braden - $5
Kent - $5
Hanson - $5
Rhyder -$0 $5
$0 $4.95
Jacques #401 -$0 $4.50
Reyce -$0 $4.50

Rhyder -
Raul - $0 $5
Ruben - $0 $5
Ezra - Jacques #401 -
Reyce -
Merritt - $4.50
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