Saturday, October 6, 2012

Heave, HO !!!! Over the wall they GO !!

OK, folks, it's time to get serious. 
 We have just 25 days until Halloween, which is our deadline for getting ALL 160 of the older children over the $100 wall.

So far I have focused on those with the least - the children with zero or next to zero. I realize that getting them over the wall isn't so easy. They have a long way to go, especially when we're taking baby steps.

So - today - we're going to look at those who are closest to the top of the wall - just a little nudge, and they'll be sailing over !!!!

Here are the little beauties who need the least help !!

Nick - I need $10 

Maksim - I need $32.50 

Fallon - I need $40

Linda - I need $24

Jenny & Jordan - We need $32

George - I need $$35

Tanner - I need $$39.40

Lauren - I need $28.40

Channah - I need $35

Theodore - I need $28

Gerard - I need $24.70

Eleven children who are oh so close to leaping that wall !!

Don't YOU want to be the one to help them do it ??

If you do - let me know, so I can enter you into the 

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