I will post the new goal this weekend - but in the meantime, I just wanted to interrupt this blog with a shameless plug for a new little boy I am advocating for. As you know - this blog advocates for the older children with next to nothing in their grants. I usually don't spend a lot of time looking at the younger children listed on Reece's Rainbow, otherwise I get driven to distraction and just can't focus on "my" kids.
However, once in a while I just can't help myself, and I get drawn into looking at all those waiting faces - and came across Neville. I stopped in my tracks, because he shares a name with my late dad - and it's not a name you see around much these days. I understand it's not his real name, but it's still quite the coincidence, don't you think ?
I had been wanting to become "Guardian Angel" to one of the older Angels - a logical step, as they are among the kids I advocate for. Once I saw Neville, though, I knew I was supposed to be HIS Guardian Angel. So - I am. I will fund raise and advocate for him until he is found, and is home - and, hopefully, after that.
Boy, born December 2010
Eyes of Gray
Hair light brown
From his medical records: Congenital communicating hydrocephalus.
The first surgery was unsuccessful, the second surgery was performed but the shunt is still not operating properly on one brain hemisphere. Neville shows very little physical activity, is not crawling and not walking, sits with support. Unfortunately, the child is not getting proper attention and care, as an orphan — he truly needs a family! Neville was born a twin, but the family only took the healthy child home
The child is very calm, loves attention and always smiles and so happy when being held.
Neville needs to be adopted so he can get his shunt working properly. He's 14 months old and obviously developmentally delayed at this time - a working shunt would make ALL the difference !!
PLEASE - share his picture and information - one of your friends or family members might be the perfect family for him - but they'll never know if they don't see him !!
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